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Woman putting her card in an ATM machine. Woman putting her card in an ATM machine.
December 06, 2022
Financial Freedom

ATM / ITM Safety Tips


ATMs and ITMs provide a quick and convenient way to make deposits, withdrawals, check account balances, transfer money and more! And while ATMs and ITMs are great tools to use for your banking needs, safety should always be your top priority.



Here are a few guidelines to keep your ATM and ITM experience a safe one:


  • Be aware of your surroundings before conducting a transaction.
  • Make sure the ATM/ITM is well lit and not obstructed from view. If it is obstructed or poorly lit, find another ATM/ITM.
  • Limit distractions, such as talking on a cell phone.
  • Be prepared - have your card out and ready to use to minimize time spent at the ATM/ITM.
  • Look for devices attached to the ATM/ITM that could be used for fraud.
  • Make sure others cannot see your PIN or transaction amount.
  • If you need to use an ATM/ITM at night, ask a friend or someone you trust to go with you.
  • Cancel your transaction and leave immediately if you suspect or see anything suspicious.

Your safety is important to us. Whenever using an ATM/ITM, keep the above guidelines in mind. Report any suspicious activity to your local law enforcement agency.


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